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- Ofada
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7 Nutritional benefits of ofada rice
Ofada Rice, also known as "local rice" or "brown rice," is a traditional and indigenous variety of rice that is popular in Nigeria, particularly among the Yoruba people in the southwestern part of the country. It is named after...
DIY plantain beauty and wellness hacks
Today, we will look at plantains and discover some fantastic DIY beauty and wellness hacks that go beyond just enjoying them on your plate. Who knew that this ingredient could offer so much more than just delicious dishes? Get...
Prawns are a type of shellfish that belong to the larger group of crustaceans. They are closely related to shrimp and are often used interchangeably in culinary contexts, although they have some subtle differences in terms of anatomy, size, and...
How to transition into a pescatarian diet
Things to Keep in Mind When Considering a Pescatarian Diet There are a lot of things to put into consideration when you're trying to go into a pescatarian diet. Here are some things to put to thought when investing...
6 Benefits of a Pescatarian diet
Pescatarian diets introduce a new world of nutritious possibilities. Making use of the best of vegan items with seafood, the pescatarian diet offers a very sustainable approach to nourishing the body. In this article, we explore the principles, benefits, and...
8 Benefits of overnight oats recipes
Nutritional value of overnight oats can vary depending on the ingredients you use and the portion size, but here is a general overview of the key nutrients typically found in a basic serving of overnight oats made with rolled oats...
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Overnight oats recipes you need to try
Due to time constraints and busy schedules, breakfast often becomes a rushed affair, with nutrition taking a back seat to convenience. But what if there was a breakfast option that not only offered the utmost ease but also packed...
Are sweet potatoes good for diabetics?
Sweet potatoes' natural sweetness and colour make them a culinary gem and a source of intrigue for people managing diabetes. Are sweet potatoes a good choice for those concerned about blood sugar control? Here is a quick dive into...
Pros and cons of Pangasius fish
Pangasius, a type of catfish native to Southeast Asia, has become a popular food source. While the pangasius industry provides many benefits, it has also faced numerous controversies, including concerns about sustainability, environmental impact, and human rights. Through a...